Become a Certified Women’s Business Enterprise
Obtain your WBE (Women Business Enterprise) Certification and unlock new opportunities! This certification is available to businesses owned, 管理, and controlled by women.
WBE certification is one of the most widely recognized and respected certifications in the nation. Accepted by hundreds of corporations within the country and a number of federal, 状态, and local government agencies, WBE certification is an important marketing tool for expanding a company’s visibility among decision makers in corporate supply chain diversity and procurement organizations.
- Access to all WBENC corporate members (1,000+) contact information
- Business listing in WBENC链接 where all national corporate members can view for sourcing purposes.
- Eligible to participate in GLWBC trainings, counseling and group mentoring programs free of charge.
- Opportunity to participate in training/coaching programs offered by national corporations that are WBENC members free of charge.
- Invitations to roundtables, 1:1 matchmaker opportunities, and educational events held by major corporations around the country.
- Invitation to WBENC annual conference (largest women’s business conference in the country (6,000+ attendees).